New Intel Suggests Russia Has Compromising Information On Donald Trump

BYAngus Walker211 Views
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The report has fueled renewed speculation about the odd friendship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

According to CNN, classified documents alleging that Russia has obtained "compromising personal and financial information" on Donald Trump were shared with President Obama, eight Congressional leaders, and the President-elect himself. The intel was presented by the top-ranking officials in US intelligence: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.

The new intelligence suggests that Russia was able to gather confidential and potentially damaging information on not just Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party but also on Trump. The documents in question contain allegations of a "continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government." 

Trump has continued to deny the notion that the Russian hacking of the DNC's emails helped sway the election in his favor. With the new report comes the possibility that members of Trump's campaign were aware of Russia's efforts to jeopardize Clinton's campaign all along, and furthermore, that they knew of the possibly damaging intelligence that Russia also had on their candidate. This information will likely only increase the public's suspicion of Trump's strange goodwill toward Russia and President Vladimir Putin. 

About The Author
<b>Feature &amp; News Contributor</b> Brooklyn via Toronto writer and music enthusiast. Angus writes reviews, features, and lists for HNHH. While hip-hop is his muse, Angus also puts in work at an experimental dance label. In the evenings, he winds down to dub techno and Donna Summer.