Rihanna's Hiding From Fans Because She Knows We're Waiting For The Music

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Rihanna's trying to keep a low profile.

Rihanna's got a very loyal fan base that has dubbed themselves The Navy. They champion her successes, celebrate her victories and always share appreciate posts for any hot outfit or magazine cover the singer is apart of. The Navy's true dedication to Rihanna surely comes with some exhausting moments for the singer, especially since the group of superfans has been up in arms for some time considering how long it's been since the singer has dropped off any solo music. 

It's gotten to the point where Rihanna seemingly can't even bare any more questions regarding her music and has even proved the latter with a recent post in Wale's comment section. The "Lotus Flowerbomb" singer shared an image to Instagram letting his fans know that he'll have new music arriving three days. Riri commented, writing: "💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 let's GO! **hides from navy***"

"It really does suck that it can’t just come out, because I’m working on a really fun one right now," Rihanna previously stated of her new music. "I’m really happy with a lot of the material we have so far, but I am not going to put it out until it’s complete. It makes no sense to rush it, but I want it out. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m like, 'Even if I don’t have the time to shoot videos, I’m going to put an album out.'"

We're ready when you are, Rihanna. 

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