Security Guard Documenting His Farts Is The Latest "Florida Man" To Go Viral

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"Paul Flart" documents his gas on a daily basis for 6 months, thanks to Instagram.

The Internet next rising star is nothing more than a security guard with a little time on his hands. VICE reached out to the security guard with over 28.4k followers to understand the secret to his viral upswing. The security guard whose first name is Doug, refuses to reveal his given name for reasons associated with privacy or occupational constraints. For the past year Doug has uploaded a video on social media where lets out, and I quote: "air biscuits."

VICE reported the he works in a Florida hopsital where he oversees the safety of the attendants and guests. During dull moments in his shift, Doug records the magic right there on site, his shtick an obvious nod to Kevin James' "Paul Blart" mall cop character which grossed Columbia Pictures hundreds of millions off of toilet humor.

Doug has bought into his project wholeheartedly, for he sees the fart as something that "transcends all languages," perhaps more so than music in the sense of communication. Doug told VICE during a phone call, "There’s no translation necessary, it’s just funny," as the their conversation dragged on into minutia. It all happened organically when Doug moved from New Jersey to Florida in order to look after an ailing family member. Once he secured the hospital gig in transit, he soon discovered the great opportunity that presented itself, due to the great acoustic of the security lounge. I gather the first "air biscuit" was discharged entirely by accident. 

Check out the rest of the VICE piece right here.

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